
Leading Solutions Provider for 5G and Artificial Intelligence Devices

Since its establishment in 2002, Infomark has been leading the Mobile Hotspot Router and Wearable market with innovative products such as the world's first 4G Mobile Hotspot and Korea's first Smart watch for kids.

Recently, Infomark is continuing its unprecedented progress by expanding its business into AI and 5G fields. We have the largest AI speaker model line-up in S. Korea market and the first SME to developed 5G mobile hotspot in S. Korea.

CEO Greetings: Bringing New Opportunities and Exceptional Values to our Customers

In Infomark's pursuit of excellence amid the ever-changing communication device market, we constantly ask: What new values can Infomark bring to our customers? What are the values unique to Infomark in the market full of me-too and competitive products.

Infomark's goal is to strive to be a leader in the wireless communcation and AI markets, not a follower. I'm pleased that Infomark has successfully delivered many innovative and quality products over the years and we'll continue to uphold the tradition. I would like to sincerely thank our customers for trusting in, purchasing, and using the products from Infomark.

Infomark will remain committed and endeavor to provide customers new and exceptional values through every product we developed.

Core Value & Mission


integrity Understanding customers' needs and social / environmental awareness

innovation Creating high value and unique products by innovation